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a little bit of everything.


find me elsewhere;

*instagram: heathhaack

*twitch: hauntedheebs

*gumroad: heathhaack

about the artist

hi. my name is heath. i'm a twenty-something year old self-taught artist. i've been creating art since grade school, when i realized my best friend could draw pretty well and that i wanted to do it better (maybe i'm a little competitive).


when i'm not drawing and painting, i can usually be found writing, hiking, gaming or watching horror movies. the american (south)west holds a special place in my heart

about the art


i can say with confidence that i specialize in portraits. the human face has always been the most interesting thing to draw for me. i pull from many styles, and tend to err on the realistic side.

my digital program of choice is photoshop, which i originally learned for graphic design and photo editing. when i work traditionally, i use pen, pencil and markers. recently, i've taken up painting with both glazes and acrylics

i've also taken up making my own paper and prints. the dream is to one day make an illustrated novel.


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